ULTIMATE SNAKE BATTLE – the latest hit TV show to grace the screens of Singapore.
Not really, but this video is about as close to ULTIMATE SNAKE BATTLE as we’re likely to see.
Alert to all NTU students:The pictures shows an awesome snake fight. Can you guys guess where it happened? Its in our…
Posted by Nanyang Technological University Graduate Student Council on Wednesday, 26 August 2015
A python and king cobra were filmed having an epic fight on the streets of Singapore. The footage, shot on a college campus, shocked passers-by as the snakes brawled for about 30 minutes, Channel NewsAsia reported.
The highly venomous cobra then made a dash for the bushes, leaving the python as the real King of the Snakes. This victory may be very short-lived, however, the cobra is believed to have bitten the python during the fight, leaving its chances of survival very slim.
Update on Snake fight:King Cobra, which earlier went into the bushes, was caught a while ago by the NTU pest control…
Posted by Nanyang Technological University Graduate Student Council on Thursday, 27 August 2015
Both snakes were captured after the incident.