Inside Bear Grylls’ Brand New Luxurious Apartment

2C6E4B9900000578-3238652-image-a-19_1442507553371Battersea Power Station Development

Bear Grylls is more used to sleeping in the wilderness, eating a variety of animal shit, than maxing out in luxury apartments.


But not for much longer. Bear has just bought a luxurious apartment in the new Battersea Power Station Complex, complete with the kind of mod cons the jungle just can’t provide.

Each home comes with its own winter garden, with views over London.

Battersea Power station develpomentBattersea Power Station Development
2C6E083B00000578-3238652-image-a-34_1442507692333Battersea Power Station Development
2C6DF06400000578-3238652-image-a-30_1442507675224Battersea Power Station Development
2C6DF05800000578-3238652-image-a-29_1442507663438Battersea Power Station Development
2C6DF02900000578-3238652-image-a-16_1442507546846Battersea Power Station Development
2C6DF01F00000578-3238652-image-a-21_1442507584095Battersea Power Station Development
2C6DF0EF00000578-3238652-image-a-23_1442507590144Battersea Power Station Development
2C6DEFF400000578-3238652-image-a-26_1442507621778Battersea Power Station Development

It even comes with a built in piss tap, so Bear has steady access to his favourite beverage at all times.*

*It doesn’t really.