Interactive First Person Shooter Streamed Live On Chatroulette Looks So Cool


Cast your mind back a couple of months and you might remember when a bunch of plucky guys and girls got together to make an interactive FPS on Chatroulette. Well they’re back with Level 2, and it’s better than ever.


Chatroulette is the internet equivalent of a wank sock – loved intensely for 30 internet seconds, then cast under the bed to gather dust and shame. Well, YouTube channel RealmPictures have been finding some pretty cool uses for the anonymous cam site, by creating interactive videos for unsuspecting people.

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Last time around, the guys used an old church for their zombie slaying shooter, but they’ve gone all out for Level 2 – setting the game in a massive power station (or a spaceship if you use your imagination.)


There’s aliens and zombies and zombie-aliens galore, as the hapless ‘rouletters attempt to guide the marine off the doomed ship.

Check out the behind the scenes video below to see how it was all done.

The video ends just as Level 3 is about to start, which could well mean RealmPictures are planning another surprise. Is it enough to make you want to go back to Chatroulette? Just keep your hands where we can see them, eh?