Internet Comedians Troll Cristiano Ronaldo’s Instagram Post, Hilarity Ensues


Bom dia ?

A post shared by Cristiano Ronaldo (@cristiano) on

It’s pretty well known that Cristiano Ronaldo is not adverse to criticism, so he may not be too happy when he finds out Internet comedians have been trolling his Instagram photo.

While it’s hard to deny that Ronaldo is the best at what he does, it’s also hard to deny that – thanks to his extremely well-groomed appearance – he somewhat resembles a real-life Ken Doll. And Internet comedians have been quick to pick up on it.

On Sunday, the Real Madrid star uploaded a photo of him beside a top of the range, £260,000 Lamborghini. Conveniently for those aptly skilled with Photoshop, Ronaldo was taking a toy-like stance – and Internet comedians went to town with it.

Here are the results:

Thank you, Internet comedians and Photoshop.

Hopefully Ronaldo takes these in good humour, because Twitter certainly has.