Internet Loses Its Sh*t Over ‘First Photo Of Harry Styles ‘New Haircut’

One Direction in concert - New JerseyPA

One Direction fans are pissed.


As we all know, Harry Styles cut his hair. And apparently it was a really, really big deal.

After growing out his curly locks for a month, the pop singer chopped them off for charity and posted a picture of it to Instagram, propelling fangirls into a unfathomable state of despair.


A photo posted by @harrystyles on

That’s not what everyone’s upset about though.

After cutting his hair, Harry released a photo of his new haircut – or so we thought.

One Direction fans were actually left dismayed by a former X-Factor hopeful who posted the selfie, claiming it to be the first picture of Harry Styles with short hair.

Ellis Lacy tricked Directioners worldwide by using Snapchat’s faceswap feature, superimposing Harry’s face onto Lacy’s body – and very convincingly I must add.


Tweeting the picture with the caption: ‘Harry looks cool now he cut his hair,’ the photo soon went viral and left a whole lot of Directioners convinced it was actually him.

To make it even more confusing, Lacy also posted a video to Facebook claiming it was sent from Harry Styles with his new hairdo.

He says in the video: “Hi everyone, it’s Harry. Thanks everyone for liking my new haircut and thanks Ellis Lacy for getting my photo out there, saves me a lot of work, man.”


Omfg Harry styles just sent me This video.. What a legend 🖖🏻

Posted by Ellis Lacy on Sunday, May 8, 2016

Surely at this point you would think fans would click on but some didn’t. Others did, and they’re not happy.

So unfortunately for all you 1D fans, that photo of Harry wasn’t Harry, and the search for his new short hair continues. Sadly.