At least one racist internet troll got what he deserved after he posted a photo on Facebook in which he mocked a black toddler and encouraged his friends to do the same.
The defenceless three-year-old boy became the centre of vile racist abuse on the social network after a white Georgia man took a selfie with the child and posted it to his page, implying that the child was a slave and referring to him as ‘sambo’.
And a heap of this guy’s horrible racist mates piled in and also posted nasty abuse towards the child because sometimes the internet is an awful place and people are terrible.

Zellie Imani of the Atlanta Black Star first reported on the Facebook post by Geris Hilton — real name Gerod Roth — and the subsequent backlash.
The offensive comments included: “I’ll feed you, but first let me take a selfie”, “I didn’t know you were a slave owner”, “Send him back dude those fuckers are expensive”, and one even described the young child as “feral”.
Thankfully, Twitter soon got a hold of the post and exposed Hilton and his friends with some swift social media justice.
help me find out their facebook addresses or any info at all…THIS is why I am what I am…
Posted by G Devan Smith on Thursday, 1 October 2015
She wrote:
This Cayden Jace! The love of my life, the apple in my eye, my EVERYTHING. All this lovely personality wrapped up into one small person’s body. When people hear about him, these are the pictures I want them to know about. Not that disturbing image and its comments. We are above all of this nonsense that has been going on. Cayden and I truly appreciate all of the love that we have been shown in the last 24 hours. You guys warm my heart, more than words could ever express. This little guys has every piece of my heart, he is my world and #HisNameIsCayden.
This morning I was disgusted to learn that one of my former employees made several racially charged comments on his…
Posted by Polaris Marketing Group on Friday, 2 October 2015