ISIS have started using female suicide bombers and fighters for the first time.
In the past week alone, at least 3 female jihadists have been killed in Libya and 7 are in custody, reports The Independent.
One of the radicalised women allegedly tried to blow herself up – this attack illustrate the extremist groups first ever usage of female fighters.

The news comes as ISIS chief Abu Bakr al-Baghdad has reportedly appointed a female Saudi fighter to head up a new battalion in north-eastern Syria, according to ABNA.
In the past women have been restricted to roles outside of combat.
However, an all female Sharia law enforcement group known as the Al-Khansaa brigade patrol the streets of Raqqa, ensuring that women are fully covered and accompanied by a man when in public.
They punish those who are not following the strict Sharia guidelines.

One ex-member of the Al-Khansaa brigade told Sky News that the group would punish women who were not wearing the correct Islamic dress with ‘the standard 40 lashes’.
A highly-ranked member of the brigade is Aqsa Mahmood, a 20 year old Glaswegian woman, who fled to Syria last November.