ISIS Recruits Tricked Out Of Thousands Of Pounds By Russian Bride Scam

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Always be wary of online Russian brides. They don’t really love you, they’re just after your money.

ISIS found this out the hard way recently, as Russian police have revealed that a group of women who posed as potential brides online defrauded the terrorist group out of thousands of pounds.

The three women, from the predominantly Muslim Chechnya region, were approached by ISIS recruits on social media.

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One of the women told Russian site Life News:

He began to lure me, saying: ‘Do you want to come to Syria, here it is very good.’ I told him that I had no money. He told me he would send me 10 thousand rubles.

After receiving the money she blocked him online, and saw the potential to make even more cash. The group went on to rinse another 200,000 rubles (£2,100) from various recruits of the jihadist organisation.

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Unfortunately for the women they’ve now been detained by Russian authorities, who were monitoring their activity online.

The lesson here, be more vigilant when online, ISIS, there are all kinds of dishonest people on the Internet.

It couldn’t have happened to a better set of bastards.