It was only a matter of time really, wasn’t it?
In his first appearance in a trailer for his new employers Amazon, former Top Gear presenter Jeremy Clarkson couldn’t resist the opportunity to throw a dig or two at the BBC.
The 55-year-old presenter, along with Richard Hammond and James May, signed a three year deal for the retail giant, worth a whopping £160 million, in order to front a new motoring show for their on-demand service Amazon Prime.
And Amazon haven’t waited long to show off their new acquisition, using him in a new trailer to promote the Amazon Fire TV Stick, and letting him take several tongue-in-cheek shots at his former employers at the BBC.
Oh, and there’s also a very brief glimpse of Clarkson’s brand new show – set to hit our screens next year.
First, however, there’s time for Jezza to whiz around on a massive segway, noting how “Back in the spring, as you probably remember, I suddenly became unbusy”. Don’t know what you’re talking about, mate…
He then flicks through all the channels available on the memory stick service and throws a bit of shade at BBC iPlayer for good measure. Because why not?
The advert ends with a photograph of Clarkson, Hammond and May in a publicity shot for their new motoring show meaning the device is, as Clarkson puts it, “perfect”.
It’s the tiniest of teasers for the highly anticipated show featuring the former Top Gear trio, and follows a post on Clarkson’s Instagram page a few weeks ago in which he shared an image from the first day of filming for the new show.
The new motoring extravaganza still doesn’t have a name but it’s coming to Amazon Prime in 2016, producers promise it’ll be bigger and better than Top Gear ever was, and we can’t bloody wait to watch it!