Jeremy Hunt Dressed Down For Using His Phone During NHS Debate

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For quite a while now, I’ve thought that perhaps Jeremy Hunt could not outdo anybody in being an ignorant parasitical wanker, but now it seems he’s outdone the only person possible. Himself. 

At a time when the junior doctor row rages on and on, and at a time when junior doctors are willing to resign live on TV, or even go so far as to kill themselves referencing Jeremy Hunt in their suicide notes, you’d think that when parliament was discussing NHS bursaries, that the Secretary of State for Health would at least have the common decency just to listen to the points being made – even if he were to eventually disagree.

But he didn’t listen, and sadly, I’m not even surprised.


Instead Jeremy Hunt chose to fiddle with his mobile phone while pulling a face that suggested that another MP was fiddling with something else of his.

BBC / YouTube

But in all honesty it’s not a laughing matter at all – in fact it’s utterly hideous.

As a result of Hunt’s vile antics as parliament discussed cutting nurses’ bursaries, he was scolded by the Speaker of the House of Commons, John Bercow, who said that the behaviour of Hunt and many other members of the Conservative front bench was ‘rank discourteous’, reports The Independent.


Bercow said:

I do very gently say that to sit on the bench… fiddling ostentatiously with an electronic device defies the established convention of the house that such devices should be used without impairing parliamentary decorum. They are impairing parliamentary decorum.

It’s a point so blindingly obvious that only an extraordinarily clever and sophisticated person could fail to grasp it.


If you’re still wondering what the junior doctors’ are striking over, it’s this, and it has led 90 per cent of doctors to say that they will resign if the contract goes through…


When will government listen?