Judge Hits Back At Racist With Best Foul-Mouthed Comeback Ever

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A judge got pretty foul-mouthed with her response when a racist verbally abused her in court.


Judge Patricia Lynch QC received a tirade of abuse from John Hennigan after she sentenced him for insulting a black Caribbean mother in Essex. The 50-year-old has 23 convictions for 47 offences, mostly for being a racist shithouse.

Following the ruling at Chelmsford Crown Court, Hennigan told Judge Lynch she was ‘a bit of a cunt’, and she had the best response.


She responded: “You’re a bit of a cunt yourself. Being offensive to me doesn’t help.”

Her comeback would probably have more of a kick to it without the second sentence, but it’s a bad ass response nonetheless.

Hennigan then told her: “Go fuck yourself”, to which she replied: “You too.”

Judge 2 – Hennigan 0.


Hennigan then proceeded to banged on the glass of his stand, Nazi saluted, Sieg Heiled twice and sang a song about gassing Jews. The judge mocked Hennigan’s actions by saying: “We’re all very impressed. Take him down.”

While some may same the response from Judge Lynch is unprofessional, it’s also kind of justified. Hennigan tends to confront and racially insult mothers who have young children present. He’s a racist who supports Hitler and the gasing of Jewish people. The guy is a cunt.

And it’s not the only time Judge Lynch has hit back. She has a history of straight-talking.


Three care workers caught on camera assaulting an elderly dementia sufferer were branded a ‘disgrace’ by Judge Lynch, the Mirror reports. She told them: “You should have known better not just as professionals but as human beings. You are a disgrace. You deserve to be punished.”

And when her hands were tied by strict sentencing guidelines, and she couldn’t jail a sexual offender, she made it clear she wanted to.


She said:

With a heavy heart I propose to adopt the recommendations in the pre-sentence report.

Some might suggest you have only cuddled and kissed and this is not a serious case, but I deprecate any such suggestion.

Adults who sexually assault children must take the consequences. This is your fault, nobody else’s.

So is she the most straight-talking judge in history? Probably. And we love it.

We’re behind you on this one, judge Lynch. You’re everyone’s new hero.