Kanye West Announces Plans To Run For U.S. President In 2020

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Just as Donald Trump’s campaign starts to gather momentum and you genuinely thought American politics couldn’t get any more ridiculous, look who’s just thrown his hat into the ring to run for office in five years’ time.


Last night, self proclaimed genius/greatest living rockstar on the planet Kanye West announced his bid for the White House before predictably dropping the mic and walking off stage.


Like many great political moments in history, Yeezy proclaimed his dreams of presidency while accepting the Video Vanguard Award at the 2015 MTV Video Music Awards.


At the scene of one of his most bizarre moments six years ago, Kanye apologised to Taylor Swift before stating his intentions at the tail-end of a rambling 15 minute speech, proclaiming confidently, “Yes, as you probably could’ve guessed by this moment, I have decided in 2020 to run for president!”

Kanye, who may have been a little worse for wear, justified his decision by pointing out, “It don’t matter though, ’cause it ain’t about me. It’s about ideas, bro”.

Perhaps nobody should be especially shocked that a man who once compared himself to Jesus would want the highest office in the land, but his announcement sort of broke the internet as people on Twitter got typically creative.

So Kanye for president in 2020? Yeez We Can.
