Katie Price Reveals The Truth About Harvey’s TV Slip-Up


Earlier this week, Katie Price’s son Harvey dropped the c-bomb live on daytime TV.

Katie appeared on Loose Women alongside her 13-year-old son, who is partially blind and suffers from Prader-Willi syndrome, to talk about her campaign against social media bullying – a move which was inspired by the vile abuse Harvey receives online.

When asked what he would like to say to the trolls, Harvey replied: “Hello, you cunts.”


And Price has revealed that she thinks her son planned it, the Mirror reports.

On Thursday’s episode of Up Late With Rylan, Katie said:

He must have planned it in his head.

Before we went on air I said, Harvey no swearing, and he said ‘yes mummy’.

She also revealed the team on Loose Women had asked her if she would like to pre-record the interview with Harvey, but she declined, saying: “I don’t want to hide who he is. I promised he wouldn’t swear, I just can’t believe it.”

Although the show’s host was quick to apologise to viewers for Harvey’s crude language, fans didn’t seem to mind, with plenty of viewers taking to social media to praise Harvey for his ‘perfect response’ to bullies.

While dropping the c-bomb on live daytime television may not have been seen as acceptable by producers, the public is certainly behind Harvey, and we think his response was perfect.