Katy Perry Defends Orlando Bloom From ‘Dumb’ Selena Gomez Conspiracy

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Katy Perry has come out and defended her man after Internet rumour-mongers suggested Orlando Bloom may be a getting a bit too friendly with Selena Gomez.


This Thursday, Katy Perry addressed the supposedly ‘incriminating’ pictures of her boyfriend Bloom and former tween-idol Selena Gomez cosying up together at a Las Vegas nightclub over the weekend.

Apparently, according to Perry, the whole thing was a massive misunderstanding and the singer tweeted a defence of her boyfriend, who she’s reportedly been seeing for several months.

She posted:

Instead of giving energy & eyeballs to dumb conspiracy check out how cool this is. #dontfeedthebeast

Katy Perry also a link to a story about Orlando’s recent charitable work with UNICEF – and, only a few hours later, Selena Gomez retweeted it.


Bloom and Gomez have been good friends for a while now, leading the press to suggest that there may be something more to their relationship, especially after Bloom had a scuffle with Gomez’s ex, Justin Bieber.


Orlando has denied all the rumours, particularly after the pair appeared together at a string of WE Day events that Summer. Orlando said: “Nah man, we were just attending WE Day.”

Fair enough…