Apparently going viral for showing your nipples runs in the family.
First Kim Kardashian, then Kendall, now Kylie.
And, as always, the Internet is going mad for a braless Kardashian:
@kyliecosmetics are you guys ready for MAJESTY? 6/16
A photo posted by King Kylie (@kyliejenner) on
Cue social media going into meltdown.
The reason behind the post? The reality ‘star’ was promoting her new Lip Kit colour called Majesty. How does this photo of Kylie in a corset flashing her under-clothes nipples promote a lipstick? It doesn’t – but the photo was inundated with comments and shares and half a million likes within an hour, and that’s probably all she was going for.
It’s safe to assume her black lipstick is promoting her lip colour. Or maybe it’s the red background? None of it really matters because the only thing the Internet is looking at is her nipple.
kylie jenner's nipple
— clinboi carti (@trvpxc) June 14, 2016
We’ve already seen Twitter lose its shit over Kendall Jenner’s nipple piercing debut at Coachella:
Proud to be your source on @KendallJenner's nipple piercing. It's on full display at #Coachella2016
— alex ronan (@alexLronan) April 17, 2016
Religion: Kendall jenner's nipple piercing
— J (@jadens31) April 19, 2016
And social media has already started following suit with Kylie:
Never had a girl as my background until @KylieJenner came out swingin❤️❤️
— Gothton Kutcher (@luvshaco) June 14, 2016
Shoutout @KylieJenner 🙏🏻♥️
— Russ (@russdiemon) June 14, 2016
But we still stand by this person who said it best:
[tweet conversation=”false”]
Words of wisdom that should be applied to all Kardashian nipples going viral.