At this festive time of year, a lot of us forget that this is a time for giving as well as receiving and one lad’s act of kindness has transformed the Christmas of a little girl in Northern Ireland…
Little Alexis Corry was with her mum Roisin in Belfast city centre when a complete stranger – who overheard their conversation – stepped in and handed her £100. It means that her incredibly grateful parents can now buy her a little bike for Christmas. Amazing.
Speaking to Belfast Live, Roisin said: “I just burst into tears. I’m just so humbled that anybody would do that. I think it’s just incredible.”
The family from Newtonards were in Belfast last Saturday and Roisin explained how the family were outside a jewellers when a stranger – described as well-dressed with glasses and in his late 40’s – stepped in.
He came over and he said: ‘Alexis, you put out your hand.’ He took her hand, opened it and said: ‘There’s some money, that’s a start for you.’ We said ‘Thank you so much’ – and he said: ‘You have a lovely Christmas Alexis.’
However, she wasn’t aware of quite how much this kind stranger had given Alexis. Roisin is hopeful that she will be able to track down the man so she can thank him personally, to let him know what it really means to their family…
She added:
I just think what he did is a total inspiration. The difference that will make to her Christmas. It is just incredible – and we’re now able to get her a wee bike. We’re still in total shock.
It’s nice to know that there are still some very good people out there…