Leonardo DiCaprio To Appear In Court Over $15m Wolf Of Wall Street Lawsuit

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It’s fair to say that it’s been a pretty decent year so far for Leonardo DiCaprio.

He finally won that Oscar which had eluded him for two decades and he even pulled off the perfect selfie.


2016? Nailed it!

Paramount Pictures

So it was only a matter of time that all this came crashing down, after Leo was deposed in a $15 million (£10.5m) defamation lawsuit over Wolf of Wall Street, a Long Island federal-court judge ruled on Thursday.

The Hollywood A-lister – who played the lead role of Jordan Belfort in the 2013 movie – will be forced to testify in court following claims that the film damaged a former executive of Stratton Oakmont’s reputation with their depiction of him.

Andrew Greene believes he served as inspiration for the character Nicky ‘Rugrat’ Koskoff and is now filing a lawsuit against Paramount Pictures, Red Granite Pictures, Sikelia Productions, and actor Leonardo DiCaprio’s company Appian Way Productions.


The Martin Scorsese film saw Koskoff’s character repeatedly abused for his ‘piece of shit hairpiece’, with Greene adding that he was depicted as a morally bankrupt drug abuser.

Paramount Pictures

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Greene’s initial lawsuit for $15 million was rejected, but a judge has given Greene the opportunity to amend his case, which now states the filmmakers ‘maliciously libelled’ him.


The suit says:

The motion picture’s scenes concerning Mr. Greene were false, defamatory, and fundamentally injurious to Mr. Greene’s professional reputation, both as an attorney and as an investment banker/venture capitalist, as well as his personal reputation.

It’ll be interesting to see how all this turns out.