Liam Gallagher Was Refused Cigarettes Because He Didn’t Have ID


Liam Gallagher has asked if the world’s gone mad after being ID’d for cigarettes at the age of 44.

The singer, and former-Oasis frontman took to Twitter to vent his anger, writing: “I’ve just been told I can’t buy cigs unless I got ID im 4FUKIN4 has the world gone mad.”

And there was something absent from his tweet, which was noticed by one twitter user in particular, who said: “He didn’t sign his tweet ‘LG x’ which must mean he’s fucking ragin.”

Liam is currently over in the States, where he made his debut appearance as a solo artist on Friday at a secret gig at the McKittrick Hotel in New York.

He has been busy touring Europe over the past weeks and is going to be performing at Lollapalooza this week.

But anyway, back to ID-gate, this is how people brilliantly responded to his tweet…

As you were…