This afternoon children watched as keepers at Odense Zoo in Denmark publicly dissected a lion, which was kept in refrigeration for the big day after it passed away.

The Mirror reported zookeeper Michael Wallberg Soerensen as saying the event was “not for entertainment”. He added: “We are not chopping up animals for fun. We believe in sharing knowledge. It is important not to give animals human attributes that they do not have.”
And yes, it is that zoo. In 2014 Odense Zoo was criticised for dissecting a giraffe in front of kids before feeding it to the lions.

Apparently dissections like this are common in Denmark, and this latest event was widely supported online.

Gefion Frydenlund Bentsdatter said on Facebook: “Bearing in mind that in the region of 15,000 dogs get killed every year in may one lion will not upset me. And to you with concerns about traumatised children: stay away from Odense Zoo the day when it is cut up.”
Sums it up really.