Every student will know the absolute ballache of finding somewhere semi-decent to live that doesn’t cost your entire student loan and part of your gran’s pension. Well this gutsy rogue had the answer to one lucky person’s prayers – a fucking shed in their front room.
Many people will claim to have metaphorically lived in a shed at some point in their lives. “My student house was like a shed,” they’ll say and everybody would giggle knowingly, thinking to one of their own humorous anecdotes of a pokey flat they’d once lived in.
But house-hunter Joe Beduzzi got much, much less than he’d bargained for when he turned up to view a double room in East London, which turned out to be a mattress on the floor of a shed in a communal living area.
Costing a mind boggling £530-a-month including bills, it’s cheaper to buy your own flat-pack shed from Argos and live in that. You could even live in a new shed every fortnight and still not pay as much.
Joe has described his bizarre story:
When I first walked in I sort of noticed the shed in the background but didn’t really take it in. Then I scanned around the room and couldn’t see a bed so I asked where it was and the guy just pointed to the corner. I stuck my head in for a look but there was basically no room for movement. The mattress was right against the walls of this shed and the windows were blacked out. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. There was no chance I was paying £530 a month for that.
Thankfully, Joe has since pitched up elsewhere, and SpareRoom.co.uk has also responded saying the advert was in breach of it’s rules, stipulating that flatmates should not have to walk through each other’s rooms to reach a communal area.
This probably isn’t the first time a shed has been advertised as an acceptable living space and likely won’t be the last. Do the world a favour if a scumbag landlord tries to flog you this kind of shit – dropkick them straight through their grotty, damp-ridden window.

Mark is the Gaming Editor for UNILAD. Having grown up a gaming addict, he’s been deeply entrenched in culture and spends time away from work playing as much as possible. Mark studied music at University and found a love for journalism through going to local gigs and writing about them for local and national publications.