Loud Passengers Ordered To Stop Raving On Flight To Ibiza


A group of revellers were a bit too keen to get the party started early on a flight from Glasgow to Ibiza, and cabin crew had to plead with the passengers to stop raving.

A video filmed on a passenger’s phone, shows how those on board the flight to the famous party island suddenly burst into song, cracking out a rendition of club classic ‘Look Right Through’ by Storm Queen.

And many of the passengers seemed to be having a whale of a time singing along to the song, which was being played from somebody’s phone, and they quickly turned the flight into their own party.


However, one flight attendant was not amused by the impromptu party and made her feelings known over the tannoy system.

She said:

Ladies and gentlemen, please remain quiet. There are travellers on board with young children. Please do not swear. Thank you.

The orders didn’t appear to do much good though and the in-flight rave just kept on rolling!