Matthew Flores is a 12 year old boy from Utah, and one who loves to read – something of a rarity these days.
So when he told his mail carrier, Ron Lynch, that he couldn’t indulge in his hobby during the summer, the Utah mail carrier decided to take action.
The young lad couldn’t afford books, and went to his supermarket to read packages and grocery store adds, with the 12 year old claiming that he was only able to read in school, and when it came to the summer, he had no option but to resort to adverts, because books were not accessible.
That did not sit well with Lynch, who claimed that books open up a whole new world for people, and he didn’t want to see the young lad in a grocery store, but in the ‘other worlds’ books take him to, so he decided to place an add on Facebook, asking for books to be donated for the young kid.
The response was overwhelming, with more than 500 books being received, with Flores claiming he is excited to start reading Harry Potter.