Last week we covered the story of a kayak fisherman in Ireland who caught a shark – but this is far crazier.
This is the tale of yet another kayak fisherman but this time in America.
The man, known only as Pete, was fishing on the outflow from a nuclear power plant in Florida when his friend hooked a 4-foot shark, reports Shock Mansion.
After fighting with the shark and eventually bringing it beside his kayak, the friend released the gigantic fish back into the ocean, but after just a matter of seconds the shark was torn to shreds by a Goliath bull shark.
In the harrowing video the smaller shark is visibly bitten into two separate pieces.

The shocking scenes were captured in full on video and have already been viewed almost 400,000 times.
In the description for the vid, Palm Beach Pete, writes:
Fishing the outflow from a Nuclear Power Plant in a kayak my friend KC hooks into a 4 foot black tip shark only to have it ripped in half by a very large Bull Shark and it didn’t stop after that.
I did my best to get some video of the attack from my paddle board. Wow, that was crazy.
Sure was crazy Palm Beach Pete.