Man Finds Suspected Illegal Immigrant Having A Nap In His Car


A shocked builder from Essex found what he claims was an illegal immigrant having a nap in the back of his car.

The suspected illegal immigrant had made himself at home in the back of the car, shoes off, catching a few Zs, but was caught when the man went to go to work.

The builder then threatens to ‘smash’ the sleeping man up if he doesn’t get out of his car.

When confronted the snoozing man tells him he got in with keys, and that he was actually staying nearby with his sister but felt tired so he had a nap in the car.

KNS News 2KNS News

The builder told the Sunday People:

It was unbelievable. I’ve no idea how he got in there. I’ve got five alarms.

God knows what he was up to. He could well have been an illegal immigrant. I’ve no idea where he came from or how he got in my car.

Illegal immigrants have been turning up in all sorts of unusual places as the crisis in Calais worsens. One was recently found hiding under a horsebox at the Royal International Horse Show in West Sussex.

In a confused moment at the end of video, the sleeping man tries to give the builder a phone. The builder refuses the phone.

No one gets smashed.