Man Flies Higher Than Plane In Balloon Deck Chair Contraption

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A man was forced to jump from a lawn chair he had attached more than 100 balloons to, after his flight got out of hand and he noticed he was higher than a 747 aeroplane.

No, it’s not a deleted scene from ‘Up’, this actually happened in Calgary, Canada on Sunday!


Dan Boria had planned to fly over the city and crash a public event at Stampede Park, to promote his cleaning company ‘All Clean Natural’.

However, his failed bid soon spiralled out of control and the footage shows him ascending much faster than he anticipated and he disappears out of view completely just ten seconds later.

Speaking to the Calgary Sun, Boria said:

The winds were pretty fierce up there, no doubt. The winds were so strong, it pushed me back. I jumped out of the chair and landed about a mile away the grounds. I can’t specify the altitude I went to – I was looking down at a 747, it was a surreal experience.

Luckily, the 26-year-old managed to parachute to safety but he was arrested shortly after his landing. He also spent $13,000 (£8,000) on the failed stunt, so not the best day for this guy overall!