Man Gets Huge Penis Tattoo Lasered Off In Bid To Win Back Wife


If you’ve been on holiday abroad you may well have seen many a drunken reveller enter a tattoo parlour to receive a poorly planned reminder of their trip at an ungodly hour.

Well for one father-of-four, that mistake was even easier to make at home as he had been gifted his own tattoo gun.

Stuart Valentino chose to ink his left thigh with a comedy penis that crept well outside the line of his boxers, and shock horror, his wife was not amused.

The 34-year-old was unable to go on holiday with his family, or even take his three-year-old daughter to swimming lessons because in his words “t looked as though my penis was poking out.”


Now whether or not people would have believed it to be his real penis is up for debate, despite his confidence, but nevertheless it obviously was inappropriate.

After over half a year of constant rowing following the incident, Valentino’s wife booted him out and said she wanted a divorce.

The Lorry Driver has since started the painful, physically and financially, process of removing his ‘masterpiece’ in a bid to win his fuming partner back.

Hopefully it is not too late to salvage the marriage but the whole affair serves as a pretty good example of two things: 1. If you want a drunken tattoo go to a professional. And 2. I’m sure it’s obvious; don’t get a comedy knob on your leg!