A man proposed to his girlfriend in what he thought were their last moments as their plane to Bali plummeted 20,000 feet.
London lawyer Chris Jeanes had planned to pop the question to his partner Casey Kinchella on their getaway to Bali, but decided to do it on the plane after the oxygen masks were deployed.
The AirAsia flight from Australia to Bali fell 20,000 feet in nine minutes, prompting the cabin crew to order passengers into the brace position.
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Chris told NBC News:
Luckily she said yes. We both reconfirmed with each other when we were on the ground.
The budget airline said in a statement the pilot turned back ‘following a technical issue to ensure the safety of passengers’.
25 minutes into the flight from Perth to Bali, the airliner lost pressure in the cabin.
Indonesia Air Asia #QZ535 (A320 PK-AXD) Perth-Bali ret. to Perth Sunday 0435UTC/1235AWST w/ a pressurization issue: https://t.co/PKyxsmmz55 pic.twitter.com/hQQsYPmhiy
— Airport Webcams (@AirportWebcams) October 15, 2017
AirAsia Group head of safety Captain Ling Liong Tien said:
We commend our pilots for landing the aircraft safely and complying with standard operating procedure.
We are fully committed to the safety of our guests and crew and we will continue to ensure that we adhere to the highest safety standards.
Chris, who works for law firm O’Melveny, also spoke about how the crew on AirAsia Flight QZ535 were running up and down he aisle screaming ’emergency, brace, crash positions’.

Horrifying video footage from on board the Airbus A320 shows the seats shaking violently and passengers preparing for the worst and saying their goodbyes.
Luckily the plane landed safely and the couple got to enjoy their engagement on the ground.
Recently, aboard another AirAsia flight to Malaysia from Perth, passengers heard a loud bang before the plane started shaking:
It was shaking violently for two hours while they turned back to Perth and the pilot asked passengers to pray twice.
The Instagram video was captioned ‘I thought I might die’.