Long-haul travel can be exhausting, especially when you’re faced with a long layover.
Stop in Amsterdam or Los Angeles and your connection will probably be pretty exciting, but end up in the middle of nowhere and you may have a hard time trying to find twelve hours worth of activities.
Bangkok, however, has lots to offer as a stopover destination – just maybe not for 47 years.
James Lloyd discovered the confusing connection while browsing on Skyscanner last week, and it led to the following query:
Hi Skyscanner. Just wondering what you’d recommend I do during the 47 year layover your website has suggested?
Posted by James Lloyd on Tuesday, August 23, 2016
I mean, there’s probably loads to do in Bangkok, but you may get bored after 413,786 hours of the same activities.
Luckily, Skyscanner came back with a few suggestions:

Now, there’s a lot of competition out there for the greatest social media brand response ever, but Jen may have just won.
And she didn’t stop there:

And within minutes, Jen from Skyscanner was everyone’s new Internet hero:

The more she waded into the comments, the more clear it became that Jen has definitely won the Internet:

And it all ended pretty great for the guy who reported the 47-year connection in the first place:

If Jen hasn’t been promoted yet, she damn well should be!