Man ‘Rises From Dead’ After Being Buried Alive In Grave

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A man has ‘risen from the dead’ after being discovered alive inside a tomb. 


The injured man was found at the Caju Cemetery, in the city of Campos dos Goytacazes in Brazil, by relatives of a person buried at the plot after he was reportedly attacked and left to die in the tomb.

The Daily Mail reports, the family were visiting the cemetery to check on the tomb and pray when they luckily noticed its heavy cover had been moved.

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The family at first believed that it was an act of vandalism but called the police after they found bloodstains on the edge of the tomb.

It soon became clear that something sinister was afoot when firemen were called to remove the cover. After lifting the lid, they found a severely injured man lying inside who they believe could’ve been the victim of a brutal attack, as he had visible wounds on his body.

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The man, who was only identified by his initials, was later found to be a local.

The injured man was then taken to the nearby Ferreira Machado Hospital and his health state has been reported as stable.


Exactly what happened is unclear at present but the police have confirmed they are carrying out an attempted murder investigation.