Is this real life? Apparently, the first thought on one man’s mind when he saw his house was ablaze was to sprint inside to save his prized barbecue ribs which he’d worked so hard to prepare.
Robert Wright of Fresno, California couldn’t watch his delicious food burn down with the building so decided to risk his life in order to rescue the tasty dish.
And when a reporter from KMPH Fox caught up with Wright to discuss what happened, this guy was still holding his ribs with pride.
Speaking to the news station, Wright said:
I thought about my ribs. Like, I didn’t want to let my ribs burn because I take pride in what I do.
The accident happened when he got hungry at 3am, fired up the barbecue and things got massively out of hand. We hope they were worth it!
In fairness, the big man did make sure he carried his kids out of the burning building first before he returned to grab his ribs off the grill, so he does sort of have his priorities in order.