Man Sells 18-Day-Old Daughter To Buy iPhone And Motorbike


As the world continues to spiral into madness, a man in China has been jailed after selling his 18-day-old baby daughter to buy an iPhone.

As reported in The Independent, the man, who is only known as ‘A Duan’, from Fujian, south east China, sold his daughter on the social media site QQ, after finding a buyer who paid £2,500 for the child.

The father allegedly sold the child without the mothers consent last year after discovering he could do so while in an Internet cafe.

Apparently, the man wanted to buy an iPhone and a motorbike with the cash, and the baby was the end result of an unwanted teenage pregnancy.

It’s thought that the child is still living with the buyer’s family as the birth parents are not able to fully look after her due to financial issues.


Fujian Province

The child’s mother was understandably distraught and fled the city before being arrested by police.

She said:

I myself was adopted, and many people in my hometown send their kids to other people to raise them. I really didn’t know that it was illegal.

According to the Epoch Timesboth buyer and seller handed themselves into police shortly after buying/selling the child.

Taking pity on their struggles, the judge handed a three year sentence to the child’s father, while the mother – who is currently caring for her disabled parents – was given a 30 month suspended sentence.