Man Stabbed 32 Times By Friend High On ‘Mr Happy’ Drug

North Yorkshire Police/PA Wire

Victim: Liam Miller

A man who was high on a psychedelic drug known as Mr. Happy stabbed his friend to death during a hallucination.

Sam Donley, 20, was high on the class-A drug 25i-NBOMe at his parents’ house when he attacked and killed bandmate Liam Miller in the horrific incident, stabbing him 32 times.

As reported by the Mirror Online, Donley believed he was stabbing a skull to get out of a dream world but, in reality, he was stabbing his friend with a kitchen knife.


Attacker: Sam Donley

In a statement Liam’s father, brother and sister and their partners and Liam’s nephew, said:

It is hard to accept that he had his whole life in front of him. It was such a waste of life and he didn’t deserve what happened. Without any doubt, this is the hardest and most painful experience any human being will have to go through.

It is very difficult for us to put into words or express how we feel or what we wanted the outcome to be. We know that nothing can ever bring him back. Nothing is going to make up for the suffering our family and friends have had to deal with over the last few months.

On the tragic evening in question, the two men had decided to experiment with the hallucinogenic drug – also known as N-bomb, Smiles, Mr Happy or Solaris – when things took a very dark turn.

Neighbours, paramedics and police fought to save 20-year-old Liam, but he later died from his wounds.


Immediately after the attack, as Liam lay injured in the driveway of the North Yorkshire home, an elderly neighbour came to his aid thinking he’d suffered a seizure, but ended up running for his life as Donley chased him with the knife and attacked him several times.

When the emergency services arrived at the scene, Donley was arrested following a violent confrontation with police officers.

Donley has been jailed for six years and eight months after pleading guilty to the manslaughter of Liam and to causing grievous bodily harm to the 60-year-old man.

As no motive could be determined for the frenzied attack, the court concluded that Donley killed Liam during a psychotic episode brought on by the drug. Users of 25i-NBOMe have been found to suffer from paranoia, violence, agitation, seizures and hallucinogenic effects.

It’s a stark and shocking reminder to all about the dangers of experimenting with dangerous drugs. Be careful out there, everyone!