Social media is now such a part of everyday life that the cops have even started using it as a way to try and catch criminals – or at least reason with them to come outside and talk to them.
Now, we’d been led to assume that police departments had policies and strategies in place for dealing with stand-offs, usually involving a grizzled negotiator, a megaphone and false promises.
Plus, if all else fails, you could always just blare some One Direction until the suspect waves the white flag and comes outside to make it stop.
However, the police in Frisco, Texas took a very different tack last night after the wanted party they were surrounding tweeted about his predicament.
Usually, in this situation, the next step would be to send in a SWAT team to extract the suspect by force. Or so we thought.
Frisco police decided their best option was simply to tweet this guy straight back.
Unfortunately for them, he didn’t want to play ball.
There’s no word yet on whether the boys in blue finally managed to apprehend this guy, as the social media wizard behind the Frisco Police account seemed more happy about them reaching 20,000 followers. So congrats for that, we guess…