Thomas Smith was arrested in July of 2012 after he posted an antagonising comment onto a Wisconsin police department Facebook post regarding a flurry of arrests.
Smith wrote online:
“Fuck ths fucking cops they ant shit but fucking racist basturds an fucking all of y’all who is racist,”
“Fuck them nigers bitchs wat you got on us not a dam thing so fuck off dicks.”
Eloquently put.
Smith was found and placed into custody by officers, but he recognised the infringement on his rights and three years on sued for an unspecified amount.
On first amendment grounds it became clear that the fuzz were not going to win this one, and they quickly put a settlement offer of $35,000 to Smith which he accepted.
A civil liberties lawyer declared the result a ‘no brainer’ and said the complainant deserved ‘every penny he got’.
More power to the guy, not that many would have been bothered to fight back to the same extent.