In the blurry and horrific aftermath of a fatal incident at Manchester Arena – hundreds, if not thousands, of Manchester residents are taking in stranded victims.
Just a few moments ago Greater Manchester Police confirmed the news that many were dreading: 19 victims confirmed dead after what is being treated as a ‘possible terrorist incident’ at an Ariana Grande concert.
As of yet the cause of the deaths remains unknown however what is certain is that the incident occurred as Ariana Grande fans began to leave the venue after the concert had ended.
Latest statement on incident at Manchester Arena pic.twitter.com/BEpLOan3dY
— G M Police (@gmpolice) May 23, 2017
However a small glimmer of hope has emerged out of the horror, with countless Mancunian’s posting onto Twitter and Facebook offering up their spare rooms, couches, and sofa beds to anybody who needs it.
If someone needs a place to stay in Manchester let me know. Have room for a few and safe and sound. Pray for those not as lucky.
— Bree (@itsabree) May 22, 2017
Anyone on here need a place to stay tonight I've got a flat in northern quarter !! Plenty of room & wifi to contact loved ones #Manchester
— Jamie McCool (@McCoolMusic) May 22, 2017
We have room to accommodate anyone stuck in Manchester this evening, let us know #Manchester
— Kiera de Lima (@kieradelima) May 22, 2017
We have a spare room, we are in the city centre, if anyone can't get home. #manchester #roomformanchester
— Hannah S (@hns_tuppence) May 22, 2017
Spare room in Manchester if anyone desperately needs just message me, my mate is also offering lifts too just message please RT @decbrownREF
— Cal (@CallumDav98) May 22, 2017
If anyone needs shelter or room for the night, we have couple of beds and sofas at our gaff, dm me if needed #ManchesterArena #Manchester
— Big lez (@mattycollett_4) May 22, 2017
If anyone is lost, scared or can't get home in Manchester this eve, get in touch. We have room for a couple of people to stay if needed ?
— Holly-Robyn Harrison (@Holly_Robyn) May 22, 2017
Anyone displaced as a result of tonight's events in Manchester, spare room available on Chapel Street. DM for info #roomformanchester
— Emmet Cleaver (@EmmetCleaver) May 22, 2017
Anyone stuck for a place to go tonight after the incident , i have room to stay and plenty of tea! Get in touch! #manchester
— Tommas White (@TommasWhite) May 22, 2017
In the immediate aftermath of the incident, UNILAD spoke to a number of fans who were there at the time of the reported explosion.
Sebastian Diaz, 19, said:
Just finished and about to leave into the foyer and there was a massive bang, people stood still and panicked. We were going to go back but we got trapped and sprinted out. People didn’t know where to go and loads of young girls were crying.
LATEST: This dashcam video shows glow from explosion at #Manchester Arena.
Far left-6 seconds
pic.twitter.com/eaPCdXPYSt— A.D. WHITMAN (@AD_WHITMAN) May 22, 2017
Can't even imagine what the people of Manchester must be going through, heart breaking?? pic.twitter.com/YPXoMHbKF6
— Bradeleh (@BradleyRaeLol) May 22, 2017
BREAKING: Manchester explosion being treated by British authorities as possible terrorist attack
— The Spectator Index (@spectatorindex) May 22, 2017
Adam McKay, 25, described the chaos that followed the loud bang:
There were people covered in blood.
There was a little girl by herself and I helped find her parents. Really bad sights. Just didn’t expect it.
At the minute there are hundreds of police in the area including bomb disposal units.
Our thoughts go out to all those injured and killed in this terrible incident.
More to follow