Mass Murderer Anders Breivik Accepted Onto University Course To Study Politics


Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik has won a place to study political science at Oslo’s university.

The 36-year-old killed 77 people in 2011 in a terrorist attack when he bombed central Oslo and went on a shooting spree in a youth camp on a nearby island.

Breivik was sentenced to 21 years in jail in 2012 for the “worst massacre since World War Two” which he said he carried out to stop the “Islamisation of Norway”.

This jail term can be extended if he is deemed to remain a danger to society.

Breivik has been studying certain course modules since first applying to the University of Oslo in 2013, but he will now be taught as a full student.


He will have no contact with staff or students as he studies from his cell.

The university’s rector, Ole Petter Ottersen, said that Norwegian inmates “have a right to pursue higher education in Norway if they meet the admission requirements and are successful in competition with other applicants.”

Writing on the university’s website, Mr Ottersen admitted that the university had faced “moral dilemmas” about Breivik’s admission.

The university has students whose family members were killed by Breivik but the rector added that the university would abide by its rules “for our own sake, not for his”.

Breivik will not be permitted to access the internet during the course or receive any personal guidance from tutors. All communication with the university will take place via “a contact person in prison”, which Breivik will probably claim is a violation of his human rights or something…