McDonald’s Are Introducing Tablet Based Table Service

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A second branch of McDonald’s have now introduced a feature where customers can use tablets to order your food.

Olbury branch in the West Midlands became the second branch to introduce the service, following the lead of one in Manchester, and the company claimed that the majority of their ‘tech savvy’ customers will relish the idea.

McDonald’s claim they are moving with the times, and have listened to feedback from customers, hence the tablet trial in the UK.


Business manager James Barnett claimed:

The basis of all of this is the technology and we’re really excited about it.

A lot of our customers are really tech-savvy, which is one reason why we’re trialling table service here.

This additional benefit enables customers to order at the self-order kiosk and then sit down at a designated zone to get served.

From mums coming in with their kids, to people having a working lunch, I expect the feedback to be positive.


Should the trial prove to be a success, the fast food chain are also looking at ways to implement both ordering and paying for food on smartphones, and being able to customise burgers as well.

For those who aren’t exactly tech savvy, or just prefer the personal touch, you can also still order using the good old fashioned method of walking up to the till and speaking to an employee.