McDonald’s Better Be Careful After Making Surprising New Enemy

pakistan-mcdonalds (1)McDonald's/Facebook

The Pakistan city of Quetta finally has a McDonald’s and everyone seems pretty happy, right? 

Oh, except the Taliban, they’re pretty pissed off. Quetta became known as a meeting point for the Taliban last year, after it emerged that leaders of the terrorist organisation were holding strategic meetings there.

But this new McDonald’s has angered Taliban members since it opened earlier this month, with one saying ‘we don’t even consider it as food’.

Taliban Militants Surrender In Herat ProvinceGetty

To be fair I don’t think many people would disagree with them, especially with all the preservatives and crap in it that makes it almost impossible to go out of date.

But it’s not like McDonalds have really tried to impose it’s Western origins, as all their offerings have been modified to appeal to more Muslim customers.

All the food served is Halal, while the sausages in their sausage and egg McMuffin is made of chicken. The menu also includes a shawarma wrap called the McArabia.


But this is nowhere near enough for the militants. Speaking to NBC, Ehsanullah Ehsan, a senior militant commander with the group laughed when he was asked what he thought about the new McDonald’s.

He said: 

Ha, so you are asking me about McDonald’s food. Yes, I know McDonald’s and its food but we will never eat it. We don’t even consider it as a food. This isn’t our food. We live in the rough, tough mountainous areas and need energy and power to fight against the enemy.

Taliban Militants Surrender In Herat ProvinceGetty

Another Taliban member also told reporters that he found the fast-food giant too expensive and tasteless.

He added: 

We know it’s an American food company and our religious scholars have forbidden us from consuming any Western food and beverages.


But it’s not all bad news, they agree (like many of us) that Maccie D’s is ‘good when you are in a hurry and have no access to proper food’. Double standards much?

They also claimed that they would still visit the Quetta McDonald’s with friends but would not eat the food.

On the flip side it seems the locals are a big fan of their new fast-food outlet, especially if these photos are anything to go by.

Screen Shot 2016-04-30 at 17.07.22 Rafia Dolly Buzdar/Facebook

However, we can categorically agree that the Taliban aren’t lovin’ it.