Across The Netherlands men are holding hands in support of two gay men who were brutally assaulted in the Dutch city of Arnhem this weekend.
A 21-year old man and five teenage boys were taken into custody after they attacked Ronnie Sewratan-Vernes and Jasper Vernes-Sewratan as they walked home from a dance party at the Luxor Live club.
Ronnie had four teeth knocked out while Jasper suffered injured ribs after the men assaulted them with a pair of bolt cutters on the Nelson Mandela Bridge.
Wij doen mee! Stop geweld tegen homo's. #allemannenhandinhand @barbarabarend pic.twitter.com/zsLY7Z0SqM
— Alexander Pechtold (@APechtold) April 3, 2017
Japser told RTL Nieuws about the attack, he said:
We’ll almost never show in public that we are in a relationship. But we had a few drinks, it was dark on the street and there were almost no people, so we held hands.
As they walked over the bridge though they were confronted by a group of six to eight young men who began to shout: ‘disgusting’, ‘dirty’ and ‘homo’ at the couple. When the couple responded the young men lashed out.

In response to the attack the leader of the Dutch liberal-democratic party, Alexander Pechtold, has held hand with fellow party member Wouter Koolmees in a show of support for the couple.
Now across the country men are holding hands and sharing images of themselves holding holding hands with their friends and family on social media.
Take a look for yourself…
Bgm Aboutaleb met regioburgemeesters en collega's aangesloten bij Veiligheidsalliantie regio Rotterdam #allemannenhandinhand pic.twitter.com/WTcNTyqbIX
— B en W Rotterdam (@College010) April 3, 2017
Alle mannen hand in hand, moet kunnen in ons mooie vrije land!!! #allemannenhandinhand pic.twitter.com/laOHGhmA2M
— William Rutten (@WilliamRutten) April 3, 2017
De mannen maken een statement! #handinhand #voetbalinside pic.twitter.com/mm6WdggwmK
— Voetbal Inside (@VoetbalInside) April 3, 2017
Ook mijn ploeg; #handinhand pic.twitter.com/SJ4Nnhzsbb
— Katja Schuurman (@schuurman_katja) April 3, 2017
Male colleagues of @NLatUN walking hand in hand in New York protesting against violence directed at LGBTI #allemannenhandinhand pic.twitter.com/AYThVsymep
— Lise Gregoire (@LiseGvH) April 3, 2017
Ook wij lopen #handinhand tegen homogeweld. #allemannenhandinhand @3FM pic.twitter.com/yHYuwH3Y6I
— AMC (@AMC_NL) April 3, 2017
Even ex-pro footballer’s are lending their support…
#allemannenhandinhand pic.twitter.com/IcvsRofGAz
— Pierre van Hooijdonk (@pierrevh17) April 3, 2017
It’s amazing how social media can bring people together isn’t it?
And despite these partisan times I think we can all agree that homophobes are fucking arseholes.

More of a concept than a journalist, Tom Percival was forged in the bowels of Salford University from which he emerged grasping a Masters in journalism.
Since then his rise has been described by himself as ‘meteoric’ rising to the esteemed rank of Social Editor at UNILAD as well as working at the BBC, Manchester Evening News, and ITV.
He credits his success to three core techniques, name repetition, personality mirroring, and never breaking off a handshake.