Men Step In To Stop Man Viciously Beating His Wife



Some dramatic footage has gone viral showing the moment a group of men stepped in to stop a cowardly man from viciously beating his wife.

The unknown man had been beating his wife on the back of their truck for a number of minutes before the men intervened, and as they got closer, the extent of her injuries became visible. Her legs had been cut multiple times and she was bleeding quite badly, all thanks to the torch he was using as a weapon.

Obviously, not wanting to face up to a man who could possibly cause him some damage, the coward quickly retreated to the driving seat of his truck and attempted to drive off – but our everyday heroes weren’t going to let this scumbag get off without a fight, and he took a few digs to the head before unfortunately managing to break loose.

Sadly, there aren’t enough people in the world who will get in the middle of domestic violence incidents like this one. But if there were, the world would be a much better place.

Well played, lads.