One drug dealer hid his headquarters in the last place you’d expect, when he set up a Breaking Bad-style meth lab in the basement of a government building in Maryland, U.S.
Unfortunately for the wannabe Walter White, his drug hideout was discovered when it caused the building to explode.
As reported by New York Magazine, the blast took place inside the National Institute of Standards and Technology during a weekend, when the building was not supposed to be in use.
The explosion happened in a small laboratory where the Department of Commerce conducts experiments, and suspicions were raised when pseudoephedrine and drain cleaner, the ingredients for making methamphetamine, were found at the scene.

Paul Starks from the Montgomery County Police said:
We are looking at the possibility that this was some sort of chemical reaction due to the manufacturing of drugs.
The blast left a federal security officer with burns to his hands and arms, and he reportedly resigned from his job the next day.
Speaking to Chemical and Engineering news, Lamar S Smith, chairman of the Science, Space and Technology Committee, added:
The fact that this explosion took place at a taxpayer-funded NIST facility, potentially endangering NIST employees, is of great concern. I am troubled by the allegations that such a dangerous and illicit activity went undetected at a federal research facility.
Police and the U.S Drug Enforcement Administration are investigating the incident, but the Heisenberg impersonator remains at large for now.