Mila Kunis And Ashton Kutcher Aren’t Getting Their Kids Presents For Christmas

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You’d think if your parents were Hollywood stars, your Christmas list would be pretty long and Santa and all his reindeer would probably swing by your VIP Christmas party.


This however is not the case for Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher’s kids, who apparently won’t be getting so much as a satsuma in a stocking this festive season.

The celeb parents are doing their best to not ‘raise a**holes’, which is a fairly good, admirable plan.


Being in a such a privileged position, the couple probably want to avoid raising a pair of Dudley Dursley-like brats at all costs.


However, it does seem slightly sad how three-year-old Wyatt and one-year-old Dmitri will miss out on that tingly, magical feeling of looking out the window to try and catch a glimpse of Santa’s sleigh.

Speaking with Entertainment Tonight, Mila offered an insight into the family’s unusual Christmas traditions:

Our tradition is no presents for the kids.

We’re instituting it this year because when the kids are [younger than] one, it doesn’t really matter.

Last year when we celebrated Christmas, Wyatt was two and it was too much. We didn’t give her anything – it was the grandparents. The kid no longer appreciates the one gift.

They don’t even know what they’re expecting; they’re just expecting stuff.

Mila and Ashton actually have a really sweet alternative to present giving which really captures the true spirit of Christmas:


We’ve told our parents: ‘We’re begging you – if you have to give her something, pick one gift. Otherwise, we’d like to take a charitable donation, to the Children’s Hospital or a pet [or] whatever you want.’

That’s our new tradition.

Mila, who moved to the US at the age of seven, also spoke about her personal experiences of celebrating Christmas and how her new traditions differ from those of her own early childhood:

I come from communist Russia, where you’re not allowed to be happy, so my holiday traditions are ‘be quiet’.

Coming to America is when you realise Christmas has a magical quality to it.

In Russia, back in the day, it was a very religious holiday, so you don’t celebrate Christmas if you’re not Christian and if you’re not at Mass.

So, I being Jewish, was like, ‘Christmas is not for you’.

Mila continued:

We come to America and we’re like: ‘Christmas is so inclusive.’

We literally bought a Christmas tree. So as far as tradition goes, my family’s big on any excuse to get the family together and get drunk.

Whether it’s Easter, which we’ve now all accepted into our Jewish household, or Christmas, it doesn’t matter.

It’s all family time, but having kids, we’re building up our own little versions of tradition.

This festive season, Mila will be starring in upcoming Christmas film A Bad Moms Christmas:


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All families have their own unique Christmas traditions, and if Ashton and Mila’s involves encouraging their kids to support charities and appreciate what they have, then I’m all for it.