A self-styled ‘Lord’ has claimed he’s tired of being harassed by police because he’s ‘young and drives nice cars’.
Oh, the problems of the 21st century.
Millionaire ‘Lord’ Aleem Iqbal lost his temper when officers pulled him over in his new Lamborghini.
The 21-year-old was filmed during the incident in Birmingham and claimed to officers that they should leave him alone because his ‘shoes are probably worth more than [their] fucking wages.’ Charming.
He says in the video: “Why you looking at me? Trust me bro, my shoes are probably worth more than your fucking wages.”
And goes on to say: “Don’t look at me like that.”
Obviously, a crowd gathered around the self-proclaimed ‘lord’ and his fancy cars, with onlookers and a film crew filming the whole incident.
Aleem – who is filming the officers for some reason – tells one of the policemen to ‘look where you’re driving’ after their squad car moves slightly towards the person filming the clip.
The ‘lord’ then boasts that the video is going straight onto YouTube and chats to the intrigued crowd before driving off.
Despite his obnoxious behaviour, though, the 21-year-old has issued an apology and said he was sorry for his conduct.
Aleem’s agent, Mark Brewer, said in a statement:
Having had time to reflect on what happened and having spoken to his family, Aleem would and also like to apologise to the police officers involved for the way the situation escalated.
Aleem would like to stress that what wasn’t shown in the video was the police officers involved harassing him and forcing him to pull over for ‘having cars follow him’.
Yes, Aleem admits he can get carried away from time to time and said: ‘I’m tired of being harassed by police just because I’m young and drive nice cars. Although that doesn’t excuse my behaviour towards the police officers in the video, I hope this paints a clearer picture as to why I reacted the way that I did.
According to onlookers though – and the video – Aleem to be hurling insults at the officers, and not the other way around. One witness told the Express: “I wasn’t sure if he was genuinely being arrogant and rude, or whether he was putting on a show for his film crew of around three young camera men. Either way, I felt it was uncalled for and disrespectful.”
Seems like a bit of a douchebag – but at least he apologised.
He can’t be all bad as, according to his Instagram, he’s helping with the Syria Bread Project to help combat hunger in war zones. Maybe he was just having a bad day…