Missing Nazi Gold Train Has Been Spotted On Radar

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AP via Mashable - Part of a subterranean system built by Nazi Germany in what is today Gluszyca-Osowka, Poland, shown March 2012.

A Polish official has said that he’s seen images of the missing Nazi gold train on ground-penetrating radar.


The Nazi gold train, which two men claimed to have found the other day, went missing at the end of the Second World War in Southwest Poland, as the Nazis retreated from the advancing Red Army.


It is believed to be laden with gold and gems, and to be buried underground.


And as we reported yesterday, Polish authorities have held a crisis meeting to warn treasure hunters not to go after the forgotten gold, as it may have been booby-trapped.


Deputy Culture Minister Piotr Zuchowski has described it as an ‘exceptional’ discovery, and has said the train could contain valuables.

But he also warned:

In connection with the published information referring to the find of the so-called ‘gold train’ in the region of Walbrzych, an increase in the activity of treasure hunters has been observed.

I am appealing to people to stop any such searches until the end of official procedures leading to the securing of the find. Inside the hidden train — of whose existence I am convinced — there could be dangerous materials from the time of World War II. There is a great chance that the train is mined.

More updates to come soon.
