MMA Fighter Punches Ring Girl After Losing Fight


This is the shocking moment an MMA fighter found out he had lost a bout and decided to turn to around and throw a punch in any direction possible. 

Unfortunately, and seemingly accidentally, the punch landed directly on the chin of a ring card girl who was not expecting the punch in the slightest, reports the Daily Mail.

The MMA fighter, known as Andrew ‘The Beast’ Whitney, had been on a four-fight winning streak and in his bout against Farkhad Sharipov at Titan Fight Championship 42 last Friday he clearly expected that streak to continue.

With one arm raised in the air and his ears ready to hear his name announced as the winner, The Beast was forced to listen as the referee announced that he had been unanimously defeated.

Stupidly, Whitney span round lashing his fist out and unknowingly straight into the jawline of the card girl.


As of now it is not known what happened to the girl in the immediate aftermath of the punch however it does appear that Whitney tries to stop her from falling upon realising what he had done.

Moral of the story? When you lose a fight don’t spin around throwing punches in any direction possible. There is literally no good potential outcome…