The deputy leader of a British white supremacist group was left embarrassed after his sheer ignorance was exposed on camera by a mother and her daughter.
As reported by the Huffington Post, Alex Davies of ‘National Action’ was in Bath campaigning for action to promote an ‘all white Britain.’
But when an angry mother confronted the right-wing moron, Davies and his band of racists bid a hasty retreat because he couldn’t identify that her daughter was actually mixed race.
The mother questioned whether her daughter should be ‘booted out’ the country, but Davies could only reply by saying ‘she looks white to me’.
Check it out:
So here is hard line nazi group National Action’s deputy leader Alex Davies in Bath at the weekend handing out leaflets demanding a white Britain. He then meets a mixed race young woman and admits he cannot tell what colour she is. She (and her Mum) then make him look like a bit of a wally. He then leaves.
Posted by HOPE not hate on Monday, May 9, 2016
Unbelievably, Davies tried to argue the mum could have been labelling her daughter as mixed-race ‘for arguments sake.’
No Alex, she’s probably saying it because she knows her own child and isn’t ignorant enough to ignore biological heritage purely based on skin tone.
Proud of the city of Liverpool today.
— David Morrissey (@davemorrissey64) August 15, 2015
It isn’t the first time National Action have been embarrassed in public either.
Last year, the group was massively outnumbered by counter-demonstrators in Liverpool and had to hide inside Lime Street station.
Keep up the ridiculously haphazard work guys, it really is great to see city after city across the UK unite against your bullshit.