37-Year-Old Mum Dies Falling Down Stairs In ‘Unexplained’ Accident

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Media Wales/Wales News Service

A mum-of-three has died after falling down the stairs in a horrific freak accident.

Suzanne Curtis was found by her 17-year-old son, Connor, who has been praised for his bravery in calling the emergency services and protecting his little sisters from seeing their mum’s body.


After contacting the emergency services, Connor rang his dad asking him to come and collect his two younger sisters Aleysha, 13 and Chiara, 12.

Media Wales

Connor’s aunty, Amanda, told Wales Online:

For a 17-year-old boy he has shown such maturity.

When he found his mum, he immediately thought of the two young girls and didn’t want them to see their mum at the bottom of the stairs.

He called their father to come pick them up and come straight round.

He also dealt with the police and paramedics, it is unbelievable how a 17-year-old boy could deal with that situation.

Suzanne was pronounced dead at her home on July 20 at the age of just 37.

An inquest into her death opened on August 1, where the court heard how the mum-of-three was found by police at the bottom of her stairs.

Wales News Service

As reported by Wales Online, Acting Senior Coroner Colin Phillips said:

Police attended and it seems she was found at the bottom of the stairs.

CID were involved in the investigation and did not suspect any third-party involvement.

It’s believed she tragically fell down the stairs.

The health and well-being coordinator’s death was described as ‘sudden and unexplained’.


After being born in Scotland, Suzanne spent most of her life travelling across the world with her dad, Tony, who worked in the Royal Air Force.

She lived in Germany, as well as all over the UK, from her native Scotland to the Midlands, before settling with Connor and her ex-partner, Ayesha and Chiara’s dad.

St Joseph's Catholic School and Sixth Form Centre

In Port Talbot she worked as a health and well-being coordinator at St Joseph’s Catholic School and Sixth Form Centre, where she previously held the position of teaching assistant.


An inquest into her death has been opened and postponed until January 9, pending results of a post-mortem examination and toxicology reports.

Rest in peace, Suzanne.

If you have experienced a bereavement and would like to speak with someone in confidence contact Cruse Bereavement Care via their national helpline on 0808 808 1677.