Mum Gives Birth To Giant Record-Breaking Baby

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‘Baby, baby, baby oh!’ as Bieber would say, and this mum must have been thinking the same thing after giving birth to a ‘record-breaking baby’ weighing 14.1 pounds and measuring 55cm long.


One of the few things to stick with me from sex education at school is giving birth is like peeing out a watermelon. The average baby in the UK is 7lbs 8oz – that’s like two watermelons!

Isaac David Guerra Machacon put his mother Diana through it, arriving into the world just shy of the length of two shatter resistant rulers.


This bouncing baby is reported to require seven feeds of breast milk a day and fits into nappies designed for five-month-olds.


And on top of that, his folks have had to go out and get new clothes because the ones they bought him don’t fit.

Imagine winding your folks up like that from day one. Mate, it’s all down hill from here.

Mum Diana said:


I really did not expect him to be this big.

I mean, he looked big on the ultrasound scan, but I never imagined quite so large.

I am over the moon and Isaac is so beautiful, but most of all I am happy because he is healthy.


Isaac was born at 10am on December 2 at the Cienaga Polyclinic in the northern department of Magdalena, Colombia.


As a Sagittarius this big little fella should be fun-loving, independent and exciting, the kind of guy to live life to the fullest.

Gynaecologist Ana Maria Rivera Cesas told local media little Isaac was born by C-section and with no complications during the procedure, but he was monitored by doctors in Intensive Care Nursery to be sure.


Cesas said the average weight for a baby is between 2.6-4kg, while Isaac was 6.38kg. The average length is 50-52cm.


Cesas added:

At first the baby recorded a little breathing difficulty and we had to monitor his blood sugar levels as episodes of hypoglycaemia are not uncommon in larger infants.

But everything is now normal and the baby is feeding well.

Dad, Jonathan Guerra, expressed his joy at his son’s birth, calling him ‘a blessing from God’.

Better get some big boxes of rusks!