One Muslim woman, who was suspended for refusing to serve alcohol on an airline, has now filed a religious discrimination suit.
Charee Stanley was a Michigan employee of ExpressJet, and converted to Islam a month after being hired for the job, and previously had an arrangement with other airline attendants that they would be the ones to serve in-flight drinks.
This was reportedly stopped after her headscarf was complained about, leading to the suspension and her lawsuit, with Stanley stating that she should ‘not have to choose between practicing her religion properly and earning a living’.

Stanley is working with the Council on American Islamic Relations, who have issued a strongly worded statement.
Her CAIR lawyer, Lena Masri claimed:
We notified ExpressJet Airlines of its obligation under the law to reasonably accommodate Ms. Stanley’s religious beliefs.
Instead, ExpressJet chose to violate Ms. Stanley’s constitutional rights, placed her on administrative leave for 12 months, after which her employment may be administratively terminated.

Predictably, liberal groups have reacted with fury at the lawsuit, claiming she should not have picked a career where she was required to go against her beliefs.
Many have mentioned Kim Davis, the Kentucky county clerk in jail for refusing to issue marriage licences to gay people, and questions over the scope of religious liberty in the workplace have once again been thrust into the public eye.
It's against her religion to serve drinks, so she…. finds a job that requires her to serve drinks? http://t.co/2yGjkx6AOo via @cbsnews
— Heather Poole (@Heather_Poole) September 4, 2015
Next in workplace religious accommodation: Muslim flight attendant who'd rather not serve alcohol vs. ExpressJet http://t.co/ZqycUlTx4v
— Walter Olson (@walterolson) September 3, 2015