NASA Is Shutting Down Global Warming Deniers On Bill Nye’s Facebook

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Whoever manages NASA’s climate Facebook page has had it up to here with global warming deniers.

And they’re proving it by backing up well-known climate change believer and ‘science guy’ Bill Nye.


It’s basically a well known fact that you don’t mess with Bill Nye when it comes to climate change, and most people by now would have learned that going head to head with Bill over the topic is a bad idea. But a lot of people are still weighing in on the issue, and now that ‘the science guy’ is going to debate Sarah Palin in a panel over anti-climate change, it looks like NASA is backing Bill up.


The American space agency’s comments came after Bill Nye posted a story about leading climate change denier, Marc Marano, who refused to take a $20,000 bet over whether or not climate change is real. Nye ‘the science guy’ noted that this year will be in the top 10 hottest years on record, with this decade being the hottest on record, thus, Morano declined the wagers.

As always, the trolls showed up to insist that, despite rapidly rising sea levels, rapidly melting Arctic ice, and coral bleaching in the Great Barrier Reef, that global warming isn’t real because it snowed. Good input.

Unfortunately for the deniers, though, NASA’s climate change department decided to pay a visit to the comment section themselves.


Their rebuttal was cool, calm and straight to the point. They even brought charts:


While Nye probably couldn’t care less what some stranger – who has no idea what they’re talking about – thinks of science, we’re sure he probably appreciates the help from NASA. And we definitely can’t blame NASA for wanting to educate their fellow Americans.


If you’d like to know more about climate change, here’s a well thought out video of Bill Nye The Science Guy explaining it with Emoji: